Anthrow Circus

Who Am I?


من أنا؟

من أنا…؟

هويتي كياني

والعفة عنواني

أنا سيدة نفسي وزماني

أنا التي تعلو في الأعالي كنجمة درية مضيئة كالمرجان

لايملكها إلا من كان يملك الكرم والجود وأريج البيلسان

ولا يستطيع النظر إليها
إلا من كان صادقاً محباً
نبيل الإحسان

أنا الشهامة الشامخة
في ربوع الوطن والخلان

التي تهب القلوب الصدق والأمان

أنا الحرة الأبية
في كل ميدان

أنا النشمية الأردنية
تفتخر بمقامي كل البلدان

عفوية بطبعي واخلاقي
ونهجي هو قرآني

شرسة عند حقي
ومعيني هو رب الأكوان

لبؤة هادئه
لكن لا تنحني للإثم والعدوان

ذو نظرة ثاقبة
تخطف البصر من عُلا الأعنان

لا أسمح لأي متغطرس النيل مني أو الخذلان

تدافع عن عرينها
بكل قوة البرية والوجدان

أنا من ستجعل منك ملك للكون والزمان


Who am I?

My being is my identity,
And my slogan is purity.
Of myself and my time I am a lady.

I am the one who rises high—
Like coral,
Like a star shining.

None can possess me,
Except for he who is liberal, generous,
And has the fragrance of elderberry.

Nor can one gaze upon me,
Except for he who is true, loving,
And noble in charity.

I am the lofty decency
Among friends and country—
I who give hearts honesty and security.

I am the wild stallion
On every battleground.

I am the Jordanian heroine.
Every country takes pride in me.

My principles are my scriptures.
My morality comes naturally.

With my rights I’m ferocious.
The Lord of the worlds is with me,

A quiet lioness who’s ready
To face sin and aggression,

Having a hawk’s-eye view
From the highest heavens.

I won’t allow any bully
To trap or intimidate me.

I defend my lair with the
Full power of the wild, with tenacity.

I am she who can make you the
King of the universe and eternity.

Translation to English by vagrant moon, Shareef Madadha, and Ali Liftawe

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In 2023, even at the young age of fourteen, Ghazal Al-Madadha already has quite an extensive acting résumé and began reciting poetry as young as six years old. She also has an interest and experience in cinematic makeup, such as in the creation of artificial wounds. As a Jordanian national arts ambassador based in Zarqa, Jordan, she aims to empower other girls to make headway in Arab society and culture through the arts and beyond. She is currently in the eighth grade and hopes to become a scientist, judge, or lawyer.

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