Anthrow Circus

Anniversary Letter From the Editor


If you follow us on social media (if not, find us on Facebook and Instagram!), you should already know we’ve spent the past week celebrating our one-year anniversary of publishing as Anthrow Circus!

We’re awfully proud of all we’ve accomplished during this hard year. While travel has been curtailed around the world, our amazing writers and photographers have brought so many corners of our grand globe to a screen near us: from Togo to Georgia (the country), from Nigeria to Mexico, from Australia to Jordan, from the United States to France, to name just a few.

We’re building something solid under our big tent!

But all this hard work wouldn’t be nearly as fun if we didn’t have an audience filling our bleachers and marveling with us as we learn together. Thank you for visiting our website, for reading our stories, for telling others about us.

You may not know that our little baby circus is purely a labor of love for the team working behind the scenes as well as for our international content creators. While laboring out of love for YOU and for the worlds we reveal in our stories is a noble reason to do hard and good work, we really do think creatives and journalists should be paid for their labor. So in year two of Anthrow Circus’s wee little life, we’ll make a little more noise about how you can help us grow strong and tall. But rest assured, we won’t start charging admission, so you’ll still be free to pass through our tent flap whenever you please. For your convenience, should the spirit lead you to give an anniversary gift to your favorite circus, you’ll find links to our Artists for Community Transformation donation page at the top and bottom of each page of our site.

Even more than that, though, we encourage you to share our stores when you find them interesting and in general help us fill a few more seats. We love collaboration and teamwork, so we love that our high-flying future is tied to our audience’s engagement with us. We’re unfortunately just a little too socially distanced to get your attention with a bucket of fake water or other classic clown gag!

With gratefulness that you’ve joined our circus, we head into Anthrow Circus’s second year with anticipation!

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Kami Rice, Anthrow Circus’s editor, plies her insatiable curiosity from a base in northern France and from perches in coffeehouses, cafés, and friends' homes the world over. As a freelance journalist, she has reported for the Washington Post, The Telegraph, The Tennessean, The Bulwark, and Christianity Today, among many others. Her more creative work has appeared in Another Chicago Magazine, The High Calling,and Washington Institute's Missio.Her French to English translation has been published by Éditions Beaux-Arts de Paris. She also edits manuscripts and articles for a variety of clients and loves learning about the lives of regular, real people wherever she finds herself.

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