Anthrow Circus

From India with Love and Fire: Delhi Love


What do you think of when you imagine life in one of the world’s largest, pulsing cities? What markers of light and distinctiveness would you find there? Our contributor Amber Kidner describes what she’s come to love about her home du jour in Delhi, India. You’ll find her other From India with Love and Fire posts here.

From India, With Love and Fire: A Visit

By Amber Kidner

Just before Christmas I had an opportunity to visit a small school in Delhi.  The school that my children attend had begun to work with this school in various ways.  My assignment was to photograph the children both at work and at play, as they inhabited their school space on that particular morning. 

From India, With Love and Fire: Water

By Amber Kinder

As I brushed off my Hindi notes recently, I was reminded of our water summer, and I thought of my continued foray into this language like swimming in a pool. With a renewed sense of purpose I’m wading in: testing, floating, choking, shivering, enjoying…

From India, with Love and Fire: Embrace


The setting was beautiful. Compared to Delhi’s flat, dusty, crowded surroundings, this was steep and quiet. The roads twisted and pulled and unbalanced us as we travelled up and around the mountains. They led us to falls, mountain towns, overlooks on the valley below, and the Himalayas beyond…