We take off our shoes before entering our host’s house
to celebrate the last day of the first week
of the Year of the Tiger
We eat tiny dried shrimp
and a brown 1,000-year-old egg
On the thin walls hang a son’s diploma,
a map of Dayton TN and the Ten Commandments
In the corner sits a shrine with a Buddha figurine
flowers, fruit, and a picture of ancestors
Our host repeats understand understand understand
This is the one word I like best in English
We listen to a poem recited in Vietnamese
We listen to the same poem recited in English
That night my father visits me in a dream
He asks me Am I doing this right?
His face transforms into my face at right?
Daniel Gleason lives in Dayton, Tennessee, where he teaches literature, composition, and creative writing at Bryan College. He earned a Ph.D. at Indiana University of Pennsylvania, and his poems have appeared in Rattle, South Carolina Review, The Cresset,and elsewhere.